New Shoes

7 thoughts on “New Shoes”

  1. I didn’t know you had a blog! Yayy I’m so excited for you that you are going to be able to get back into running! Very cute shoes. Let me know how getting back into it goes!

  2. @Ashley! I totally follow your blog. You are adorable and inspiring. I often think about the things you said or helped me do for the brief time you helped me work out. I’ll keep you updated about how getting back in to running goes!

    1. Ha! I thought you knew I blogged… and I don’t have mad writing skills- maybe that’s why I hid it from you, my incredibly talented-writer-friend. đŸ™‚

  3. Congratulations! New shoes are so important! I hope you can get back to running. I got some new ones the other day but I am not sure I love them. I should have gone to your store.

    1. You should have! I’m sorry you aren’t sure you like them. Next time you are in town I’ll take you to Runner’s Corner.

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